Reasons for proper use of pesticides and fertilizers

First, the problem should be paid attention to the use of pesticides
The use of chemical pesticides to control pests and diseases is a necessary measure in agricultural production. On the basis of mastering the performance of pesticides, we must pay attention to the following principles when using pesticides scientifically, reasonably and safely.

(1) Symptomatic and timely medication. According to the species of pests and diseases and the harmfulness of pests and diseases, different types of insecticidal, bactericidal and herbicide varieties are selected. Different pesticide varieties have different control effects on different control objects. Before applying the medicine, we must carefully investigate the pests and diseases, and apply the medicine in the best prevention and treatment period to achieve symptomatic medication. Generally choose to be in the early stage of the occurrence of pests and diseases, to achieve timely prevention and control.

(2) Guarantee the application technology and quality. It is necessary to select a spray instrument with quality assurance to accurately weigh pesticides. This is an important part of controlling pests and diseases. It is necessary to measure pesticides according to the instructions for use of pesticides. It is not possible to increase the dosage, especially herbicides, to avoid waste. Pollution to the environment and agricultural products. Do not use a single pesticide for a long time, scientifically and rationally mix pesticides to delay the development of resistance to pests and diseases.

(3) Pay attention to safe medication. Ensure safe interval and scientific application to avoid poisoning of humans and animals. Note that the cleaning of the application equipment should be done with clear water. At present, some of the herbicides used in production are ultra-efficient. Once a certain type of pesticide remains in the application device, or the water used to dispense the pharmaceutical liquid is contaminated by a certain type of pesticide, it is easy to cause phytotoxicity to the sensitive crop.

(4) Guarantee the quality of pesticides. Note that the regular pesticide sales outlets purchase three-pronged pesticides.

Second, fertilizer use precautions
Single application should be applied alone. The ideal application method is to apply organic fertilizer first, and then apply urea, superphosphate and potassium chloride in a reasonable formula.

After the two bogey and ammonium bicarbonate are mixed into the soil, they must be converted into ammonia to be absorbed by the crop. The mixed application of ammonium bicarbonate and urea will greatly reduce the rate of conversion of urea into ammonia, which is likely to cause loss of fastactivin and loss of volatilization. Therefore, urea and ammonium bicarbonate are not suitable for mixing or simultaneous application.

The three bogey are applied to the surface of the ground and applied to the surface of the earth. It can be absorbed by the crop after 4 to 5 days of transformation at room temperature. Most of the nitrogen is volatilized during the ammoniumification process, and the utilization rate is only about 30%. Soils with high soil and organic matter content will have more nitrogen loss. Therefore, nitrogen cannot be applied on the surface.

Four bogey immediately after urea application. Urea is an amine nitrogen fertilizer, which must be converted into ammonia nitrogen after application to be absorbed and utilized by crops. In the process of transformation, due to different soil, water and temperature conditions, the time is long and short, generally it takes 2 to 10 days to complete. If the urea is applied immediately after application or the dry land is applied before heavy rain, the urea will be lost immediately.

Third, the fertilizer should be paid attention to what problems
According to years of experimental research and practical exploration, according to the characteristics of soil and the needs of crops, the scientific application of chemical fertilizers can not only improve the effectiveness of nutrients in fertilizers, but also improve the physical and chemical properties of fertilizers and reduce the labor intensity of farmers. Make crops truly productive and efficient.

However, the application of fertilizers should pay attention to the following three aspects:

1. Master the three principles of mixed application: Do not reduce any of the nutrients after mixing; do not produce any undesirable physical and chemical properties after mixing; the proportion of nutrient species must be suitable for the nutritional needs of the crop and soil fertility.

2. To find out which fertilizers can be mixed, which fertilizers can not be mixed, and which fertilizers can only be mixed at the time but not for a long time.

(1) It can be mixed. In addition to nitrate nitrogen fertilizer, almost all fertilizers can be mixed with organic fertilizers. The combination of organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer can play the role of combining speed, slowness and mutual assistance, and complementing the length and length. Fertilizer can accelerate the decomposition of organic fertilizer, and organic fertilizer can activate the insoluble nutrients in chemical fertilizer and improve the utilization rate of fertilizer. In addition, some fertilizers can be mixed, and the effect is better after mixing. For example, if the bio-acid nitrogen fertilizer such as ammonium sulfate or ammonium chloride is mixed with phosphate rock powder, the solubility of phosphorus can be improved and the fertilizer efficiency can be enhanced. If it is used on calcareous soil, the effect will be better. When potassium chloride is mixed with ammonium nitrogen fertilizer, chloride ions can inhibit soil nitrification and reduce nitrogen loss. The combination of potassium chloride and ammonium nitrate can reduce the deliquescence and make the physical properties better.

(2) Not mixed. Some fertilizers can cause a lot of nutrient loss and cause a lot of waste. Alkaline fertilizers such as plant ash, lime, slag and phosphate can not be mixed with fertilized human nitrogen, ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, ammonium bicarbonate, ammonium chloride and other ammonium fertilizers. Otherwise, it will cause chemical reaction, and ammonia volatilization will cause nitrogen. Loss and effective phosphorus fixation; alkaline fertilizers such as grass ash, lime, etc. should not be mixed with superphosphate, phosphate rock, etc., otherwise the water-soluble nutrients will be converted into poorly soluble nutrients, and the phosphorus fertilizer efficiency will be reduced. Organic fertilizers cannot be mixed with nitrate nitrogen fertilizers, otherwise denitrification will cause nitrogen loss. Also, ammonium sulfate should not be mixed with ammonium bicarbonate, ammonia water, kiln ash potassium fertilizer, etc.; ammonia water should not be mixed with urea, potassium chloride or phosphate rock; urea should not be mixed with calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer, kiln ash potassium fertilizer, and so on.

(3) can be temporarily mixed but not long opposed. In other words, although some fertilizer can be mixed, but it must be applied immediately after mixing. Nitrate fertilizer such as superphosphate and mixed with the mixed nitrate fertilizer such as superphosphate, deliquescent hygroscopic fertilizers, inconvenient to use, if the setting is not applied for a long time, will be lost greatly nitrogen, phosphorus and phosphorus conversion poorly soluble; urea and chloro potassium mixing long home, although there is no loss of nutrients, but also increases the moisture absorption, so that caking fertilizer, makes it difficult to administration.

3. with other fertilizers, fertilizer materials and mixing problems concerning plant growth regulator pesticides. In general, foliar fertilizers or plant growth regulators on the market are mostly acidic or neutral, and can be mixed with acidic fertilizers and acidic pesticides, but should not be mixed with alkaline fertilizers such as lime and alkaline pesticides such as Bordeaux mixture. administration. Foliar fertilizer or plant growth regulators are mixed with acidic fertilizers and acidic pesticides. For example, the addition of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, boron and zinc fertilizers to foliar fertilizers or plant growth regulators can not only reduce the number of fertilizations, but also mutual Increase the efficiency, so that the effect of the fertilizer is better.
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